What is Q10?

Coenzyme Q10, often abbreviated as Q10, is a naturally occurring compound found in every cell of the human body, particularly in the mitochondria, where it plays a crucial role in energy production. While CoQ10 can be synthesized in laboratories, it is also naturally present in various organic sources, including meat, fish, and whole grains. Organic CoQ10 is derived from these natural sources through processes that maintain the integrity and purity of the compound, ensuring it retains its bioavailability and effectiveness. As a vital antioxidant, organic CoQ10 offers numerous health benefits, including support for heart health, energy metabolism, and antioxidant protection against oxidative stress.



Coenzyme Q10

What are the benefits of Q10 for my hair ?

Coenzyme Q10 (Q10) provides numerous potential advantages for hair health, primarily because of its antioxidant properties and its role in cellular energy production. Here are some key hair benefits linked to CoQ10:
‍Hair Follicle Stimulation: CoQ10 aids in keratin production, a crucial protein in hair strands. By stimulating hair follicles and enhancing keratin production, CoQ10 can promote healthier and stronger hair growth.

Antioxidant Shield: Like its impact on the skin, CoQ10 serves as a powerful antioxidant on the scalp, combating free radicals that can harm hair follicles and lead to hair loss or thinning. By defending against oxidative stress, CoQ10 helps maintain scalp and hair health

‍Improved Scalp Circulation: CoQ10 can enhance blood circulation in the scalp, crucial for delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles. Better circulation supports healthier hair growth and may help prevent conditions like dandruff or scalp irritation.

‍Hair Thickness and Volume Support: By boosting collagen production and enhancing scalp health, CoQ10 might contribute to thicker, fuller hair. Stronger follicles are less susceptible to breakage, improving hair density and volume.

‍Hair Loss Reduction: CoQ10's protective abilities against oxidative harm and promotion of healthy follicles can reduce hair loss and enhance hair retention. It could be particularly beneficial for individuals facing age-related hair thinning or hair loss due to environmental factors.

‍Hair Nourishment and Conditioning: CoQ10 helps maintain the scalp and hair follicles' natural lipid barrier, preventing moisture loss and dehydration. This can lead to softer, more manageable hair that is less prone to breakage and split ends.

‍Overall Scalp Health Support: A healthy scalp is vital for optimal hair growth, and CoQ10's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can aid in scalp health by reducing inflammation and supporting the skin barrier function.

Is Q10 a safe Organic Compound?

Yes, Q10 is a safe, naturally occurring organic compound that is found in every cell in the human body.

Why do we need to add Q10 to our hair and scalp?

The body can produce Q10 but, as we age, science has proven that the levels of Q10 in our hair and cells decrease every year. This means that the body is less able to protect itself from further oxidative damage, and the rate of aging from oxidative damage increases. By adding Q10, we can slow down or reverse the aging processes of our hair and scalp.


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